code for the English Language Arts classroom

Everything we see or do on our phones and computers is wrapped in code. And yet, many of us don't understand the first thing about coding or even how the internet works.

Codela makes it easy to work with code in the ELA classsroom

Here's how it works:

students compose multimodal texts using customizable code templates

hidden code comments guide the learner through every step of the process

beginner to advanced templates scaffold learning

students develop ELA literacies, computational thinking skills, and computer science knowledge

Just Getting Started?

These beginner templates will help you and your students get started working with code.


Use code to create your Visionsite today!

Our easiest template! beginner icon


Tell the story of how you got here and where you're going next.

Build on your skills! intermediate icon


Codela Webtext Generator

The Everyday Coding Tool

Great for making and sharing presentations! Design information using industry best practices. Packed with all of the coding snippets you need to make your message matter!

Hackers only! advanced icon

STEAM Collaborations


Elevator Pitch Generator


My Nature Study


Project Report



Single Page Navigation


Multi Page Navigation


ELA Professional Development

Earn Act 48 Credit

Enroll in the University of Pittsburgh's SAS. 2.0. Computational Thinking, Computer Science and Social Justice Professional Development Course